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Brazilian President Relaxes Earlier Decree That Toughened Environmental Violations Law


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Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva Dec. 10 signed a decree relaxing some measures set forth in a July presidential decree that toughened a 10-year-old environmental violations law, an attorney with the Environment Ministry's enforcement arm-known as IBAMA-told BNA Dec. 18. The original 1998 law (No. 9,605) increased maximum fines for serious environmental violations from 50,000 reais ($21,200) to 50 million reais ($21.2 million) and established jail sentences of up to five years for environmental violators While neither decree-from July or December-changed the foundations of the 1998 law, Lula's Dec. 10 decree (No. 6,686) relaxes some measures aimed at curbing illegal deforestation that were set forth in the July decree (No. 6,514) (31 INER 751, 8/6/08). The new decree also increases the number of appeals allowed for those charged with environmental violations, potentially making the collection of fines more cumbersome. Environmental groups and lawyers said the government bent under pressure from the farming/ranching lobby, a charge denied by IBAMA.
机译:巴西总统路易斯·伊纳西奥·卢拉·达席尔瓦(Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva)于12月10日签署了一项法令,放宽了7月份总统令中规定的一些措施,该法令强化了10年之久的环境违法行为。 12月18日。1998年的原始法律(第9605号)将严重违反环境的行为的最高罚款从50,000雷亚尔(21,200美元)提高到5,000万雷亚尔(2,120万美元),并规定对环境违法者判处最高五年的监禁。从7月或12月改变了1998年法律的基础以来,卢拉的12月10日法令(第6,686号)放宽了7月法令(第6,514号)中规定的旨在遏制非法毁林的措施(31 INER 751,8 / 6/08)。新法令还增加了对那些因违反环境而被起诉的人的上诉数量,这可能使罚款的收取更加麻烦。环保组织和律师说,政府在农耕牧场的压力下屈服,IBAMA否认了这一指控。



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