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U.S. Development Group, Gibson Energy Announce Oil-by-Rail Terminal in Alberta

机译:美国开发集团吉布森能源(Gibson Energy)宣布位于艾伯塔省的逐轨石油码头

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A new loading facility at a rail terminal envisioned as the Canadian starting point of the Keystone XL oil pipeline was announced Aug. 6, the third oil-by-rail venture in Canada to be unveiled in the past few weeks. Houston-based rail logistics developer U.S. Development Group LLC and Gibson Energy Inc., a Calgary, Alberta-based midstream energy company, said in a news release that they have partnered to build the train-loading facility at Gibson's Hardisty Terminal near Edmonton, Alberta, to accommodate more oil-by-rail shipments and "pipeline connectivity." "The development of the Hardisty Rail Terminal provides our customers with more optionality to facilitate crude oil movements across North America," Gibson Senior Vice President of Operations Rick Wise said in the release.
机译:8月6日宣布,将在铁路终点站建立一个新的装载设施,该设施将成为Keystone XL输油管道的加拿大起点。这是加拿大在过去几周内宣布的第三个铁路铁路出油企业。休斯顿的铁路物流开发商US Development Group LLC和总部位于艾伯塔省卡尔加里的中流能源公司Gibson Energy Inc.在新闻稿中表示,他们已合作在位于艾伯塔省埃德蒙顿附近的Gibson的Hardisty码头建设火车装卸设施,以容纳更多的铁路运输和“管道连接”。 Gibson运营高级副总裁Rick Wise在新闻稿中说:“ Hardisty铁路枢纽的开发为我们的客户提供了更多的选择余地,以便利其在北美的原油运输。”



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