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Russian Government Orders Creation Of Unified Pollution-Monitoring System


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The Russian government has issued an order mandating the creation of a unified system for monitoring air, soil, and water pollution in a key step toward meeting the goals of its long-term environmental strategy and the requirements of international institutions. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed the order June 6, establishing the procedures and mandate of the new environmental monitoring system. The order will expand and unify the monitoring activities of various ministries and agencies, including the ministries of natural resources and environment, economic development, industry and trade, energy, transport, and agriculture. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment developed the plan for a unified monitoring system and submitted it to the government for approval in November 2011, according to a June 10 statement from the ministry on the adoption of the order.
机译:俄罗斯政府发布命令,要求建立一个统一的空气,土壤和水污染监测系统,这是朝着实现其长期环境战略目标和国际机构要求迈出的关键一步。总理德米特里·梅德韦杰夫(Dmitry Medvedev)于6月6日签署了该命令,确立了新环境监测系统的程序和任务。该命令将扩大和统一包括自然资源和环境,经济发展,工业与贸易,能源,运输和农业等部委在内的各部委和机构的监测活动。 6月10日,自然资源和环境部根据该命令的通过声明,制定了统一监控系统的计划,并于2011年11月提交政府批准。



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