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China Export Tax Decision to Boost Rare Earth Demand,Mining Company Says


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China's decision to scrap export quotas and taxes on rare earth elements may boost stalled demand for the products, according to Lynas Corp. Ltd. Users have been drawing down on stockpiles while awaiting clarity over China's policy on the export of the elements, Amanda Lacaze, chief executive officer of Malaysia-based Lynas, said in an April 24 interview. Rare earths are used in everything from cruise missiles to iPads. "In the short term, a lot of what has been damping demand will be released," Lacaze said. "Some customers have been living off inventories and they'll come back and start placing orders." Lynas, one of two major producers outside of China, rose as much as 30 percent in Sydney after Molycorp Inc., the largest U.S. producer, jumped 9.4 percent April 23 in New York.
机译:Lynas Corp. Ltd.表示,中国取消对稀土元素的出口配额和税收的决定可能会增加对该产品的停滞需求。用户一直在减少库存,同时等待中国明确出口稀土元素的政策,Amanda Lacaze,总部位于马来西亚的Lynas首席执行官在4月24日的采访中表示。从巡航导弹到iPad,稀土元素用于各种用途。拉卡兹说:“在短期内,将释放很多抑制需求的东西。” “一些客户一直靠库存为生,他们会回来并开始下订单。” Lynas是中国以外的两个主要生产商之一,在悉尼上涨了30%,此前美国最大的生产商Molycorp Inc. 4月23日在纽约上涨了9.4%。



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