首页> 外文期刊>International environment reporter >Fossil Fuel Industry Risks Losing $33 Trillion Due to Climate Change

Fossil Fuel Industry Risks Losing $33 Trillion Due to Climate Change


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The fossil fuel industry risks losing $33 trillion in revenue during the next 25 years as global warming could drive companies to leave oil, natural gas and coal in the ground, according to a Barclays Plc energy analyst. Government regulations and other efforts to cut carbon emissions inevitably will slash demand for fossil fuels, jeopardizing traditional energy producers, Mark Lewis, Barclays's head of European utilities equity research, said July 11 during a panel discussion in New York on financial risks from climate change. His comments are part of a growing chorus calling for more transparency from oil and gas companies about how their balance sheets could be affected by the global shift away from fossil fuels. As governments adopt stricter environmental policies, there's increasing risk that companies' untapped deposits of oil, gas and coal could go unused, turning valuable reserves into stranded assets of questionable value. "There will be lower demand for fossil fuels in the future, and by definition that means lower prices" Lewis said.
机译:据巴克莱公司(Barclays Plc)能源分析师称,由于全球变暖可能导致公司将石油,天然气和煤炭留在地下,因此化石燃料行业可能在未来25年内损失33万亿美元的收入。巴克莱欧洲公用事业股本研究部负责人马克·刘易斯(Mark Lewis)在7月11日于纽约举行的关于气候变化带来的金融风险的小组讨论会上表示,政府法规和其他减少碳排放的努力将不可避免地削减对化石燃料的需求,危及传统能源生产商。他的评论是越来越多的合唱的一部分,该合唱呼吁石油和天然气公司提高透明度,以了解全球对化石燃料的转移将如何影响其资产负债表。随着政府采取更严格的环境政策,企业未利用的石油,天然气和煤炭矿藏可能会被闲置使用,从而将宝贵的储备变成价值可疑的搁浅资产,这种风险越来越大。刘易斯说:“未来对化石燃料的需求将降低,从定义上讲,这意味着价格将降低。”



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