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Roadmaps to Effective Electricity Market Reforms: Hidden Potholes and Blind Corners?


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The Federal Government of Nigeria has recently unveiled a "Roadmap" to advance its National Electric Power Policy. This is discussed by Tonye Braide in this month's edition of IELR. Under its auspices, the government seeks to introduce far-reaching changes to the ownership and control of electricity infrastructure in Nigeria, and to create an efficient regulatory regime in the sector. The article addresses the question whether the roadmap "has the necessary elements to transform Nigeria from a capacity short territory into a capacity sufficient country"? The writer answers it in the affirmative, concluding confidently that it incorporates "the material imperatives necessary to attain success". Is that really the case, however? Programmes for electricity market reform can look plausible enough on paper. There have been numerous examples around the world in the past 20 years. Yet the road is always long and tortuous, and the hidden traps, pitfalls and bends that always obstruct the journey can make effective reform a more elusive destination than anvone at first expected.
机译:尼日利亚联邦政府最近公布了一项“路线图”,以推进其国家电力政策。 Tonye Braide在本月的IELR版本中对此进行了讨论。在其主持下,政府力图对尼日利亚的电力基础设施拥有权和控制权进行深远的改革,并在该行业中建立有效的监管制度。文章解决了路线图是否“具有将尼日利亚从能力不足的领土转变为能力足够的国家的必要要素”的问题?作者肯定地回答了这一问题,并确信它包含了“获得成功所必需的物质要求”。确实是这样吗?在纸上,电力市场改革计划看起来似乎很合理。在过去的20年中,全世界有很多例子。然而,这条路总是漫长而曲折的,总是阻碍旅程的隐蔽陷阱,陷阱和弯道,可能使有效的改革比最初期望的更加难以实现。



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