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Gill Group takes delivery of Avro Bizjet

机译:吉尔集团接受Avro Bizjet的交付

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BAE Systems has announced at the Future of Business Jets Conference in London that it has sold an Avro Business Jet (ABJ) to UK-based Gill Group. Announcing this latest success for the ABJ in his conference address, Stewart Cordner, Vice President Avro Business Jets for BAE Systems Asset Management said, "Sales of the Avro Business Jet have increased significantly in the past 18 months, clearly demonstrating that the combination of a pre-owned Bae 146/Avro RJ together with an innovative interior results in a strong, cost-effective contender for the larger business jet market and at a fraction of the cost and timescale of new production line aircraft."
机译:BAE系统公司在伦敦的“未来商务喷气机会议”上宣布,已将一架Avro商务喷气机(ABJ)出售给英国的吉尔集团。 BAE Systems Asset Management副总裁Avro商务喷气机副总裁Stewart Cordner宣布了ABJ的最新成功,他说:“在过去的18个月中,Avro商务喷气机的销售量显着增加,这表明二手的Bae 146 / Avro RJ加上创新的内饰,使它成为了大型公务机市场的有力竞争者,并且具有成本效益,而成本和时间却是新生产线飞机的一小部分。”



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