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GE begins GE9X certification testing


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GE Aviation recently began GE9X engine certification tests at its Peebles Test Operation (PTO) in Ohio. The GE9X will power Boeing's new 777X aircraft. The first round of GE9X certification tests are being conducted on the second GE9X production-configured powerplant built by GE. To prepare for the certification program, trials of the first full engine to test (FETT) GE9X engine commenced in March 2016, generating critical data on the full engine system and aerodynamic performance, mechanical verification, and aero thermal system validation. Testing of the FETT engine concluded earlier this year with a series of preliminary natural-icing tests at PTO, where the GE9X ran more than 50 test points, accumulating 168 hours and 162 cycles. "Completing a full year's worth of validation efforts on the FETT engine gave us great confidence heading into the certification program with the second GE9X engine," said Ted Ingling, GE9X general manager at GE Aviation. "By incorporating all the learnings from the FETT engine, we start the GE9X certification program with a stable configuration and position ourselves to meet the schedule and performance expectations of our customers from Day 1 of service entry."
机译:GE航空集团最近在俄亥俄州的Peebles测试中心(PTO)开始了GE9X发动机认证测试。 GE9X将为波音的新型777X飞机提供动力。第一轮GE9X认证测试正在GE建造的第二台GE9X生产配置的动力装置上进行。为准备认证计划,2016年3月开始了首台完整发动机测试(FETT)GE9X发动机的试验,生成了整个发动机系统和空气动力性能,机械验证以及空气热系统验证的关键数据。 FETT发动机的测试已于今年初在PTO进行了一系列初步的自然结冰测试,其中GE9X运行了50多个测试点,累积了168小时和162个循环。 GE Aviation的GE9X总经理Ted Ingling说:“在FETT引擎上完成了为期一年的验证工作,使我们对第二个GE9X引擎进入认证计划充满信心。” “通过吸收来自FETT引擎的所有经验,我们以稳定的配置启动了GE9X认证计划,并使自己定位于从进入服务第一天起就满足客户对日程安排和性能的期望。”



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