首页> 外文期刊>Interiors: design, architecture and culture >Between Ima Summis and nearness. Dom Hans van der Laan's Roosenberg Abbey as an example of a contemporary space of worship

Between Ima Summis and nearness. Dom Hans van der Laan's Roosenberg Abbey as an example of a contemporary space of worship

机译:在Ima Summis和附近。唐·汉斯·范德兰(Dom Hans van der Laan)的罗森伯格修道院(Roosenberg Abbey),作为当代礼拜场所的典范

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Bloomsbury Journals, Spaces of Faith (Vol. 6 Issue 3 - 2015). This paper interweaves the architectural concepts and elementary architecture of Roosenberg Abbey in Belgium with the motivations and search of its creator: the Dutch monk-architect Dom Hans van der Laan (1904-1991). The abbey was built in 1975 for the Marian Sisters of Franciscus, who sought an austere place that adhered closely with their own experience of Catholic faith. Dom Hans van der Laan designed the building as a materialization and testing ground of his ideas put forward in his publications Architectonic Space (1970) and The Play of Forms (1985). Although the religious concepts behind his thoughts grew from his own Benedictine background, he developed an architectural philosophy that aimed to define spaces of worship through universal characteristics as dwelling and living. He interpreted the Dyonisian concept of 'Ima Summis' (the lowest in reconciliation with the highest) not from a transcendental perspective, but through the concrete material world of architecture that grew from human experience. For that, he developed the concepts of nearness and superposition, an architectural methodology that combines a classical ordering system with a modern dynamic spatiality. For van der Laan, building a space of faith is to create an order as a layered inside in constant but gradual relation to an outside. He called this concept of interweaving mass and space 'nearness'. Although his writings are quite poetic, his design methodology with the central concept of 'superposition' is very concrete and practical. For two years, the Marian Sisters of Franciscus have worked together with the philosopher Dr. Marc Colpaert to open up their abbey as a place for contemplation and the study of interreligious dialog. They count amongst their guest lecturers Islamic scholars such as the Pakistani psychologist Prof. Durre Ahmen, who introduces the abbey to Muslims as a place for Ressourcement, and Omar Nahas and Sergio Scattolini, who organize seminars on the reading of the Koran. This shows that the requirements put forward by van der Laan from a Benedictine perspective for the Maria Sisters of Franciscus overcome a specific ideological focus, offering a more universal approach towards the design of spaces of faith. This paper will analyze Roosenberg Abbey as a testimony of these requirements.
机译:布卢姆斯伯里期刊,信仰的空间(第6卷,第3期-2015)。本文将比利时Roosenberg修道院的建筑概念和基本建筑与创建者的动机和搜索:荷兰和尚建筑师Dom Hans van der Laan(1904-1991)交织在一起。修道院建于1975年,是为弗朗西斯库(Franciscus)的玛丽安姐妹(Marian Sisters)建造的,他们寻求一个简朴的地方,并严格遵循自己的天主教信仰经验。唐·汉斯·范德兰(Dom Hans van der Laan)将建筑物设计为他在其《建筑空间》(1970)和《形式的戏剧》(1985)中提出的想法的物化和试验场。尽管他思想背后的宗教观念源于他自己的本笃会背景,但他发展了一种建筑哲学,旨在通过居住和生活等普遍特征来界定宗教场所。他不是从先验的角度而是通过人类经验发展而来的具体的建筑材料世界来解释“伊玛·苏米斯”(Ima Summis)(和解中的最低与最高)的戴奥尼式概念。为此,他提出了邻近性和重叠性的概念,这是一种将经典排序系统与现代动态空间相结合的建筑方法。对于范德兰而言,建立信仰的空间就是要建立一个秩序,使秩序成为与外部保持恒定但渐进关系的分层内部。他称这种将质量与空间交织的概念称为“近处”。尽管他的作品颇具诗意,但他以“叠加”为中心概念的设计方法却非常具体和实用。两年来,弗朗西斯库斯的玛丽安姐妹会与哲学家马克·科尔帕特博士合作,开放了他们的修道院,供人们沉思和研究宗教间对话。他们是伊斯兰学者的客座讲师,例如巴基斯坦心理学家杜尔·阿曼教授(Durre Ahmen教授),他向穆斯林介绍了修道院,以此作为获得资源的地方;奥马尔·纳哈斯(Omar Nahas)和塞尔吉奥·斯卡托利尼(Sergio Scattolini)则组织了有关阅读《古兰经》的研讨会。这表明范德兰从本笃会的角度对弗朗西斯科斯的玛利亚修女会提出的要求克服了特定的意识形态焦点,为信仰空间的设计提供了更为普遍的方法。本文将分析Roosenberg修道院作为这些要求的证明。



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