
US-China Trade Conflict: On a Misty Path


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The present trade conflict between the USA and China is paving way for undesirable outcome. The high-intensity trade war between the two biggest economies of the world wounds all the stakeholders besides rattling business, consumer confidence and exports. Interestingly, this happened despite the deep and diverse economic ties and key mutual dependence along a host of economic sectors. The lessons learnt in the past have s been forgotten just hitting hard the producers, workers and consumers across the globe. The prime economic indicators like growth rate, growth forecast and trade deficit have shown a sign of pessimism for the US as well as China besides affecting the supply chain of traded commodities for many other trading nations. The politicians, businesses and economists all strongly desire that the trade-conflict between the world's two largest economies is resolved amicably. Both 'big brothers' must focus on managing their major disagreements and other issues over tariff and non-tariff barriers could be narrowed or even resolved for a more prosperous and peaceful world.



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