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The Dilemma of the Shared Mobile Phone-Culture Strain and Product Design in Emerging Economies


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Consider the cell phone. For us it's essential, and what's more, it's everywhere. It is, in fact, hard for people in developed markets to remember what it was like not to be available 24/7. The ability to reach anyone, anytime, from absolutely anywhere has become a given. BlueToothed or iPhoned, the connected yet very private (or at least self-absorbed) world of the cell phone could very well be the quintessential expression of Western culture. Yet in much of the rest of the world, where even clear, accessible landlines are more of a plan than a reality, mobile telephony is starting to have an impact. Clearly, it's a huge economic opportunity for the industry. But there's more to entering these markets than throwing up a network of towers. Before you get the product in people's hands, it's essential to understand the culture.



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