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A Design, Tests and Considerations for Improving Keystroke and Mouse Loggers


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We start by reviewing several logging tools. We then report improvements to a keystroke logger we have developed for the Mac and PC, Recording User Input (RUI). These improvements include changes to its interface, increased accuracy and extensions to its logging ability. RUI runs in the background recording user behavior with timestamps and mouse location data across all applications—thus avoiding problems associated with video logs and instrumenting individual applications. We provide a summary and comparison of tests for loggers and present procedures for validating logger timing that quantifies timing accuracy using an external clock. We demonstrate these tests on RUI and three other applications (Morae, Camtasia and AppMonitor). We conclude by providing some general specifications and considerations for creating, testing, evaluating and using keystroke and mouse loggers with respect to different experimental questions and tasks.
机译:我们首先回顾几种日志记录工具。然后,我们报告为Mac和PC开发的击键记录器的改进,即记录用户输入(RUI)。这些改进包括界面更改,准确性提高以及日志记录功能的扩展。 RUI在后台运行,记录所有应用程序中带有时间戳和鼠标位置数据的用户行为,从而避免了与视频日志相关的问题并为单个应用程序进行检测。我们提供了记录器测试的摘要和比较,并提供了验证记录器计时的过程,该过程使用外部时钟来量化计时精度。我们将在RUI和其他三个应用程序(Morae,Camtasia和AppMonitor)上演示这些测试。最后,我们针对不同的实验性问题和任务,提供了一些有关创建,测试,评估和使用击键记录器和鼠标记录器的一般规格和注意事项。



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