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Using Channel-Wise Attention for Deep CNN Based Real-Time Semantic Segmentation With Class-Aware Edge Information


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Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) consists of two basic functions. One is the object detection for preventing vehicles from hitting pedestrians or other obstacles. The other is image segmentation for recognizing drivable areas and guiding the vehicle forward. For the latter, unlike those traditional image segmentation methods, image semantic segmentation based on deep learning architecture can handle the irregularly shaped road areas better, guiding a vehicle to drive in a more complex environment. With the popularity of Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs) in recent year, the traditional hand-crafted features methods have shown to be outperformed. However, deep CNN models are difficult to implement on vehicle application because the severe cost of time for complex processing. Although some proposed methods, such as Efficient neural network (Enet), achieved higher speed by removing some layers, it also led to the decrease of segmentation accuracy. In this research work, we propose a novel semantic segmentation network, Edgenet, which contains a class-aware edge loss module and a channel-wise attention mechanism, aiming to improve the accuracy with no harm to inference speed. We evaluate Edgenet on Cityscapes dataset, which is the most challenging and authoritative on-road semantic segmentation dataset. The results show that our proposed method can achieve over 70% mean IOU on Cityscapes test set and run at over 30 FPS in a single GTX Titan X (Maxwell) GPU.
机译:高级驾驶员辅助系统(ADA)由两个基本功能组成。一个是防止车辆撞击行人或其他障碍的物体检测。另一个是用于识别可驱动区域并向前向前引导车辆的图像分割。对于后者,与那些传统的图像分割方法不同,基于深度学习架构的图像语义分割可以更好地处理不规则形状的道路区域,引导车辆在更复杂的环境中驱动。随着卷积神经网络(CNNS)近年来的普及,传统的手工制作功能方法表明表现出优势。然而,由于复杂处理的严重时间,因此难以在车辆应用上实施深层CNN模型。虽然一些所提出的方法,例如高效的神经网络(ENET),但是通过去除一些层来实现更高的速度,但它也导致分割精度的降低。在这项研究工作中,我们提出了一种新颖的语义分割网络,Edgenet,它包含一个类感知的边缘损耗模块和渠道明智的注意机制,旨在提高对推理速度没有伤害的准确性。我们评估CityScapes DataSet上的Edgenet,这是最具挑战性和权威的路由语义分段数据集。结果表明,我们的建议方法可以在城市景观测试集上实现超过70%的意思,并在单个GTX Titan X(Maxwell)GPU中以超过30 FPS运行。



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