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The Singapore Mutiny (1915) and the Genesis of Political Intelligence in Singapore


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This paper describes how political intelligence evolved in Singapore and the establishment for the first time of a political intelligence bureau, the forerunner of the Singapore Police Special Branch and the present-day Internal Security Department (ISD). It is an example of British imperial practice as the early roots of intelligence in Singapore owed much to the experience gained earlier in British India in dealing with intelligence matters. The establishment of an intelligence bureau in Singapore came about as a direct result of the Singapore Mutiny (15 February 1915), and in the following year the newly-established bureau was renamed the Criminal Intelligence Department and absorbed into the Straits Settlements Police. In September 1933, it became the Singapore Special Branch, the forerunner of present-day Singapore's Internal Security Department.
机译:本文介绍了政治情报在新加坡的发展情况,以及首次建立政治情报局,新加坡警察特别处和当今的内部安全部门(ISD)的先驱。这是英国帝国主义实践的一个例子,因为新加坡情报的早期根源很大程度上归功于英属印度较早时期在处理情报问题上获得的经验。新加坡兵变(1915年2月15日)的直接结果是在新加坡成立了情报局。第二年,新成立的情报局更名为刑事情报局,并被海峡定居警察局吸收。 1933年9月,它变成了新加坡特别部门,即现今新加坡内部安全部门的前身。



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