首页> 外文期刊>Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science >The Ecological Level of Analysis: Can Neogibsonian Principles be Applied Beyond Perception and Action?

The Ecological Level of Analysis: Can Neogibsonian Principles be Applied Beyond Perception and Action?


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Is it useful to apply ecological principles, developed to understand perception and action, in research areas such as social psychology? Charles (Integrative Psychological & Behavioral Sciences 43(1) 53–66 2009) warns ecological psychologists interested in this question that much time and effort can be saved through a backwards extension to or rediscovery of the New Realism tradition. In response, we analyze what ecological psychology risks to lose with such a backwards extension and describe existing extensions of the approach not considered by Charles. According to Charles, New Realism holds that: (1) we experience reality, (2) relations are real, and (3) things are what you see when you see those things. Our arguments originate from a comparison of these principles with six recently described ecological ones: (1) organism-environment systems are the proper units of analysis, (2) environmental realities should be defined at the ecological scale, (3) behavior is emergent and self-organized, (4) perception and action are continuous and cyclic, (5) information is specificational, and (6) perception is of affordances (Richardson et al. 2008).
机译:在社会心理学等研究领域中应用为理解知觉和行动而发展的生态学原理是否有用? Charles(综合心理与行为科学,2009年,第43卷第1期,第53-66页)警告对这个问题感兴趣的生态心理学家,通过向后扩展或重新发现新现实主义传统可以节省很多时间和精力。作为回应,我们分析了这种向后扩展所带来的生态心理学风险,并描述了查尔斯未考虑的现有扩展方法。根据查尔斯的说法,新现实主义认为:(1)我们体验现实,(2)关系是真实的,(3)当您看到这些事物时,它们就是您所看到的。我们的论证来自于将这些原理与最近描述的六种生态学原理进行比较:(1)有机体-环境系统是分析的适当单位,(2)应在生态学规模上定义环境现实,(3)出现行为并自组织的,(4)感知和行动是连续的和周期性的,(5)信息是规范的,(6)感知是有能力的(Richardson et al。2008)。



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