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Multicriteria Decision Analysis Applied to Sponge City Construction in China: A Case Study


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To address stormwater management, China initiated the construction of sponge cities (SPCs) in 2014. Sponge city construction in China has previously been evaluated using subjective expert methods. Based on China's SPC evaluation regulations, the evaluation criteria system was divided into 6 categories and 22 indicators. This study presents a multicriteria approach to evaluating SPC construction through multicriteria attributes value theory (MAVT). Coupled with the entropy method, this approach can reduce errors caused by individual methods. This work improved the evaluation method from a subjective to an objective method. Additionally, the sensitivity of an alternative to these criteria was conducted. The analysis reveals the inner relationship between the SPC alternative and the criteria. The city of Hebi, an actual SPC project, was selected as a case study. The findings indicate that the proposed approach is efficient and simple. It can help decision makers better understand SPC performance, and it is a pilot SPC evaluation method using relatively objective means. Integr Environ Assess Manag 2019;15:703-713. (c) 2019 SETAC.
机译:为了解决雨水管理问题,中国于2014年启动了海绵城市(SPC)的建设。以前使用主观专家方法对中国海绵城市的建设进行了评估。根据中国最高人民法院的评估规定,评估标准体系分为6类和22个指标。这项研究提出了一种通过多准则属性值理论(MAVT)评估SPC建设的多准则方法。结合熵方法,该方法可以减少由各个方法引起的误差。这项工作将评估方法从主观方法改进为客观方法。此外,还对这些标准进行了敏感性分析。分析揭示了SPC替代方案与标准之间的内在联系。案例研究选择了鹤壁市,这是一个实际的SPC项目。研究结果表明,所提出的方法是有效且简单的。它可以帮助决策者更好地了解SPC的性能,它是使用相对客观的手段进行SPC评估的试验方法。 Integr环境评估管理2019; 15:703-713。 (c)2019年SETAC。



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