
Seasoned Prot


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France has a tradition of grooming its leaders from a young age, using harshly competitive exams to select an elite and then parachuting the cream of the crop into senior jobs in government and industry. But even by French standards, Baudouin Prots train ing stands out. The 52-year-old banker served a decadelong apprenticeship at BNP Paribas under the tutelage of Michel Pebereau, the bank's longtime chairman and chief executive. As head of French retail and commercial banking in the early to mid-1990s, Prot helped turn around Banque Nationale de Paris's core domestic business by selling consumer banking products. Then, as chief operating officer, he served as Pebereau's tactician in the 1999 battle to acquire investment bank Paribas, a deal that created an investment banking powerhouse in Europe. Prof's business acumen and financial discipline were instrumental in making BNP Paribas the euro zone's biggest bank by market capitalization when he took over as CEO last June, "Rarely," says Pebereau, "has a chief executive been so thoroughly prepared as Baudouin to take over a company."
机译:法国的传统是从小培养领导者,使用激烈的竞争性考试来选拔精英,然后将农作物的精华降落为政府和工业界的高级职位。但是即使按照法国的标准,Baudouin Prots培训也很突出。这位52岁的银行家在法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)担任了十年的学徒,该银行是其长期董事长兼首席执行官Michel Pebereau的指导。在1990年代初至中期,法国人担任法国零售和商业银行业务负责人,普罗特(Prot)通过销售消费银行业务产品帮助扭转了巴黎国民银行(Banque Nationale de Paris)的核心国内业务。然后,在1999年收购投资银行Paribas的战斗中,他担任首席运营官,担任Pebereau的策略师,这项交易在欧洲创造了一家投资银行巨头。教授的商业敏锐度和金融纪律有助于法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)于去年6月接任首席执行官时成为市值最大的欧元区银行。一家公司。”



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