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Bringing CSR into the Bottom Line


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Amid tough economic times and shareholder demands for increased accountability, more multinational companies are adopting global standards to evaluate the effectiveness of their corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives in energy efficiency, environmental sustain-ability, community service and other sectors.rn"As we face a sustainability crisis that could ultimately even threaten our very existence as a species, we need to know how our companies are positioned to rise to the challenges, provide solutions and adapt to coming changes," said Ernst Ligteringen,rnchief executive of the Netherlands-based Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). "Public access to organizations' economic, environmental and social performance is necessary if we are to inform ourselves of the effects of the choices we make in the purchase of products and services and the effects of the business models we adopt."rnAccording to GRI, the number of companies publicly disclosing their performance against a range of key sustainability indicators has risen markedly over the last year.
机译:在经济困难时期,股东要求加强问责制,越来越多的跨国公司正在采用全球标准,以评估其企业社会责任(CSR)举措在能源效率,环境可持续性,社区服务和其他领域的有效性。面临着可能甚至威胁到我们作为一个物种生存的可持续性危机,我们需要知道我们的公司如何应对挑战,提供解决方案并适应即将发生的变化。”荷兰的行政长官恩斯特·利格特林根(Ernst Ligteringen)说道,总部设的全球报告倡议组织(GRI)。 GRI表示:“如果我们要告知自己购买产品和服务时所做选择的影响以及我们采用的业务模型的影响,则必须公开获取组织的经济,环境和社会绩效。” rn在过去的一年中,根据一系列关键的可持续性指标公开披露其绩效的公司数量明显增加。



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