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George Barrett: Steady Hand

机译:乔治·巴雷特(George Barrett):稳健的手

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George Barrett, CEO of Car- dinal Health, is used to change. He has been everything from a star college athlete to a classically trained opera singer and professional musician to the CEO of a small drug-maker. Having abroad range of skills and the ability to switch gears successfully is a good thing in the health care industry. After all, many lawmakers still want to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which overhauled health care insurance and expanded Medicaid, among other changes. As the sixth-largest health care company in the U.S., with $103 billion in annual revenue, Cardinal Health's future will be shaped by that debate. The Dublin, Ohio-based company distributes drugs and medical and laboratory supplies to hospitals, physician offices, pharmacies and ambulatory surgical centers. It also manufactures products for doctors and individuals and is apro-vider of home health care services.
机译:汽车卫生部首席执行官乔治·巴雷特(George Barrett)习惯于改变。从明星大学运动员到受过经典训练的歌剧歌手和专业音乐家,再到一家小型制药商的首席执行官,他都是各种各样的人。在医疗保健行业,拥有国外各种技能和成功切换齿轮的能力是一件好事。毕竟,许多立法者仍然希望废除《负担得起的医疗法案》(ACA),该法案全面改革了医疗保险并扩大了医疗补助计划等。作为美国第六大医疗保健公司,年收入为1030亿美元,Cardinal Health的未来将受到这场辩论的影响。这家总部位于俄亥俄州都柏林的公司向医院,医师办公室,药房和门诊外科中心分发药品以及医疗和实验室用品。它还为医生和个人制造产品,并提供家庭保健服务。



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