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DOD: China On Track To Deploy First Indigenous Aircraft Carrier By 2015


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China could begin construction on its first "fully indigenous" aircraft carrier this year and deploy the new warship by 2015, the Pentagon reports in its new assessment of Beijing's military power which concludes that the People's Liberation Army is on track to field a "modern, regionally focused military by 2020." China's military modernization efforts — fueled by a defense budget that has grown over the last decade at an average of more than 12 percent, according the report - are a source of concern to the Pentagon, despite Beijing's relatively new contributions to international cooperative efforts such as peacekeeping, counter-piracy, humanitarian and disaster relief operations. "The pace and scope of China's sustained military investments have allowed China to pursue capabilities that we believe are potentially destabilizing to regional military balances, increase the risk of misunderstanding, and miscalculation and they contribute to regional tensions and anxieties," Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for East Asia Michael Schiffer told reporters yesterday.
机译:五角大楼在对北京军事实力的新评估中报告说,中国可以在今年开始建造其第一艘“完全本土化”的航空母舰,并在2015年部署这艘新战舰。该评估得出的结论是,中国人民解放军有望派遣一支“现代,到2020年集中在区域上的军事力量。”尽管这份报告对北京的国际合作做出了新的贡献,但五角大楼仍对中国的军事现代化努力感到担忧。在过去的十年中,国防预算的增长平均超过了12%。维和,反海盗,人道主义和救灾行动。国防部副部长助理表示:“中国持续的军事投资的步伐和范围使中国得以行使我们认为可能破坏地区军事平衡的能力,增加了误解和错误计算的风险,并助长了地区的紧张局势和焦虑。”对于东亚地区的迈克尔·谢弗(Michael Schiffer)昨天告诉记者。



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