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Report: Acquisition Shop Working On Reducing Munitions Life-Cycle Costs


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The Pentagon is implementing several initiatives to reduce munitions life-cycle costs, unexploded ordnance and constituent contamination, according to a report obtained by Inside the Pentagon. The report, delivered to congressional defense committees in March, was required by the Fiscal Year 2010 National Defense Authorization Act, which called on the defense secretary to: develop methods accounting for "the full life-cycle costs of munitions, including the effects of failure rates on the cost of disposal"; "undertake a review of live-fire practices for the purpose of reducing unexploded ordnance and munitions-constituent contamination without impeding military readiness" and include recommendations for reducing life-cycle costs of munitions, unexploded ordnance (UXO) and munitions-constituent contamination.
机译:根据五角大楼内部获得的一份报告,五角大楼正在实施多项举措,以减少弹药的生命周期成本,未爆炸弹药和成分污染。该报告于3月份提交给国会国防委员会,是2010财年《国防授权法》所要求的,该法案要求国防部长:开发方法,说明“弹药的整个生命周期成本,包括失败的后果”处置费用费率”; “对实弹射击做法进行了审查,目的是减少未爆炸弹药和弹药构成的污染,而又不妨碍军事战备”,并提出了减少弹药,未爆炸弹药和弹药构成的生命周期成本的建议。



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