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FY-15 Omnibus Establishes New Budget Line For Next-Gen Navy Fighter


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Lawmakers have established a new budget line in the Pentagon's fiscal year 2015 budget for a next-generation Navy fighter, providing $4.7 million in seed money in anticipation that the service will soon begin a program to develop a replacement for the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and F-18G Growler sometime in the 2030s. House and Senate appropriators crafting the portion of the FY-15 omnibus spending bill that would fund the Pentagon created the new "F/A-XX (Next-Generation Fighter)" account but offered no comment about the action in the explanatory statement accompanying the spending bill. Lawmakers funded the new account by cutting the Navy's $8.2 million request in its FY-15 research and development spending request for studies and analysis support to $3.5 million.
机译:国会议员在五角大楼的2015财年预算中为下一代海军战斗机建立了新的预算项目,并提供470万美元的种子资金,因为预计该服务将很快开始开发替代F / A-18E /的计划。 F超级大黄蜂和F-18G咆哮者在2030年代的某个时候。众议院和参议院拨款人拟定了15财政年度综合支出法案的一部分,以资助五角大楼创建了新的“ F / A-XX(下一代战斗机)”帐户,但在行动随附的解释性声明中未对此行动发表任何评论。支出账单。立法者通过将海军在15财年研究与开发支持中的820万美元请求削减到350万美元,为新帐户提供了资金。



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