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Ecdysteroids: the overlooked sex steroids of insects? Males: the black box


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The paradigm, still around in textbooks, that 'in insects sex is strictly genetic, thus that they do not have sex hormones', is mainly based on a wrong interpretation of the 'gynandromorph argument'. It is no longer tenable. Given the fact that vertebrates and invertebrates probably had a common, sexually reproducing ancestor, there is no reason to assume that only vertebrates need sex hormones. The major function of sex hormones is to inform the somatoplasm about developmental changes that take place in the gonads. In contrast to juvenile hormone and neuropeptides, ecdysteroids meet all criteria to act as sex hormones, which was probably their ancient role. Their much better documented role in moulting and metamorphosis was a secondary acquisition that enabled arthropods to cope with growth problems, imposed by a rigid cuticle. Female insects use 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E), secreted by the follicle cells of the ovary, in a similar way as females of egg-laying vertebrates use estrogens. For a variety of reasons, the possibility that ecdysteroids, in particular ecdysone (E), might also act as sex hormones in male insects, thus as the counterpart of testosterone of vertebrates, has been very much overlooked. Thanks to the recent discovery of the molecular basis of the haploid-diploid system of sex determination in the honeybee, the characterization of Halloween genes, proteomics, RNAi and so on, it now becomes possible to verify whether in insects, as with vertebrates, males are the endocrinologically default gender form.
机译:教科书中仍然存在这样的范例:“在昆虫中,性是严格遗传的,因此它们没有性激素”,这主要是基于对“ gynandromorph论点”的错误解释。它不再成立。考虑到脊椎动物和无脊椎动物可能具有共同的性繁殖祖先这一事实,因此没有理由假设只有脊椎动物需要性激素。性激素的主要功能是向体质告知性腺中发生的发育变化。与幼年激素和神经肽相反,蜕皮类固醇符合所有作为性激素的标准,这可能是其古老的作用。它们在蜕皮和变态方面的更好的文献记载的作用是二次收购,使节肢动物能够应对由硬质表皮引起的生长问题。雌性昆虫使用由卵巢的卵泡细胞分泌的20-羟基蜕皮激素(20E),其方式类似于产卵脊椎动物的雌性使用雌激素。由于各种原因,蜕皮类固醇,特别是蜕皮激素(E),也可能在雄性昆虫中充当性激素,因此作为脊椎动物睾丸激素的对应物,这一可能性已被大大忽略。由于最近发现了蜜蜂性别决定的单倍体-二倍体系统的分子基础,万圣节基因,蛋白质组学,RNAi等的表征,现在有可能验证昆虫是否(如脊椎动物,雄性)是内分泌默认性别形式。



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