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Longhorn Heads in the Right Direction


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By now you've heard all about vista's delays. Since 200, We've watched as Vista was kicked, poked, and downsized, with promising stuff such as the revolutionary WinFS file system and Next Generation Secure Computing Base pushed back post-launch. Smaller items continue to fall, such as a PC-to-PC file synchronization feature that Microsoft dropped in June. It's enough to make you wonder what all the fuss is about, especially when open source and SaaS (software as a service) are emerging as viable alternatives. We recommend looking past the high-powered Vista UI and press hype — not to mention the brouhaha surrounding Bill Gates' future plans — to what enterprises really care about: end-point security; application development; and server, network, and directory management. Using all available specs and beta code, our InfoWorld opinion-mongers have reached a startling conclusion: If the current feature sets promised by Longhorn server, the .Net 3.0 stack (formerly known as WinFX), the new Active Directory, and Vista anti-malware arrive intact, they will be nothing less than a boon for IT.
机译:到目前为止,您已经听说了Vista的所有延迟。自200年以来,我们一直在观察Vista的启动,戳戳和缩小尺寸,诸如革命性的WinFS文件系统和Next Generation Secure Computing Base等有前途的东西推迟了发布。较小的项目继续下降,例如Microsoft在6月放弃的PC到PC文件同步功能。这足以使您想知道到底有什么大惊小怪的,特别是当开源和SaaS(软件即服务)成为可行的替代方案时。我们建议您跳过功能强大的Vista UI并大肆宣传-更不用说围绕比尔·盖茨未来计划的烦恼了-企业真正关心的是:端点安全;应用开发;以及服务器,网络和目录管理。使用所有可用的规范和Beta版代码,我们的InfoWorld舆论贩子得出了惊人的结论:如果Longhorn服务器,.Net 3.0堆栈(以前称为WinFX),新的Active Directory和Vista反垃圾邮件所允许的当前功能集,恶意软件完好无损地到达,对于IT机构而言,它们无非是福音。



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