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Free Content Options Continue to Shake Things Up


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The free-versus-fee debate continued as another major media player tweaked its business model. FT.com, the Internet site of The Financial Times that has charged for most of its online content in the past, announced that articles and data will now be free for users up to a total of 30 views a month. Users will then bernasked to subscribe to access more material. This could prove to be a savvy compromise: Open up content for casual users and for linking from search engines, blogs, etc., while keeping subscription fees forrnheavy users.rnObservers indicated that this is preparation for the battle with ThernWall Street Journal, which is being acquired in the News Corp. purchase of Dow Jones. A News Corp. spokesperson reportedly said, "We don't want to buy the FT. News Corp. will crush it." FT.com has about 100,000 subscribers, while WSJ.com has more than 900,000.
机译:随着另一家主要媒体公司调整其商业模式,免费与收费的辩论继续进行。英国《金融时报》的互联网站点FT.com过去已对其大部分在线内容进行收费,该公司宣布现在免费为用户提供文章和数据,每月最多可观看30次。然后,用户将被订阅订阅更多内容。这可能是一个明智的妥协:为休闲用户开放内容并从搜索引擎,博客等进行链接,同时为沉重的用户保留订阅费用。rnObservers表示,这是与ThernWall Street Journal展开战斗的准备,被新闻集团收购道琼斯公司收购。据报道,新闻集团发言人说:“我们不想购买英国《金融时报》,新闻集团将对其进行压榨。” FT.com有大约100,000个订户,而WSJ.com有900,000多个订户。



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