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Tractable database design and datalog abduction through bounded treewidth


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Given that most elementary problems in database design are NP-hard, the currently used database design algorithms produce suboptimal results. For example, the current 3NF decomposition algorithms may continue further decomposing a relation even though it is already in 3NF. In this paper we study database design problems whose sets of functional dependencies have bounded treewidth. For such sets, we develop polynomial-time and highly parallelizable algorithms for a number of central database design problems such as:rn1. primality of an attribute;rn2. 3NF-test for a relational schema or subschema;rn3. BCNF-test for a subschema.rnIn order to define the treewidth of a relational schema, we shall associate a hypergraph with it. Note that there are two main possibilities of defining the treewidth of a hypergraph H: One is via the primal graph of H and one is via the incidence graph of H. Our algorithms apply to the case where the primal graph is considered. However, we also show that the tractability results still hold when the incidence graph is considered instead.rnIt turns out that our results have interesting applications to logic-based abduction. By the well-known relationship with the primality problem in database design and the relevance problem in propositional abduction, our new algorithms and tractability results can be easily carried over from the former field to the latter. Moreover, we show how these tractability results can be further extended from propositional abduction to abductive diagnosis based on non-ground datalog.
机译:考虑到数据库设计中的大多数基本问题都是NP困难的,因此当前使用的数据库设计算法会产生次优的结果。例如,当前的3NF分解算法可能会继续分解关系,即使该关系已存在于3NF中。在本文中,我们研究了数据库设计问题,这些问题的功能依赖项集具有有限的树宽。对于此类集合,我们针对许多中央数据库设计问题(例如:rn1)开发了多项式时间和高度可并行化的算法。属性的素数; rn2。 3NF测试关系模式或子模式; rn3。为了定义子模式的BCNF-test。为了定义关系模式的树宽,我们将一个超图与其关联。请注意,定义超图H的树宽有两种主要可能性:一种是通过H的原始图,另一种是通过H的入射图。我们的算法适用于考虑了原始图的情况。但是,我们还显示,当改为考虑入射图时,可处理性结果仍然成立。事实证明,我们的结果在基于逻辑的绑架中具有有趣的应用。通过与数据库设计中的原始性问题以及命题绑架中的相关性问题之间的众所周知的关系,我们的新算法和易处理性结果可以很容易地从前者领域转移到后者。此外,我们展示了如何将这些易处理性结果从命题绑架进一步扩展到基于非地面数据记录的绑架诊断。



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