首页> 外文期刊>Information systems frontiers >Understanding Technology as Situated Practice: Everyday use of Voice User Interfaces Among Diverse Groups of Users in Urban India

Understanding Technology as Situated Practice: Everyday use of Voice User Interfaces Among Diverse Groups of Users in Urban India


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As smartphones have become ubiquitous across urban India, voice user interfaces (VUIs) are increasingly becoming part of diverse groups of users' daily experiences. These technologies are now generally accessible as a result of improvements in mobile Internet access, [-8.5pc]Biography is Required. Please provide. introduction of low-cost smartphones and the ongoing process of their localisation into Indian languages. However, when people engage with technologies in their everyday lives, they not only enact the material attributes of the artifact but also draw on their skills, social positions, prior experience and societal norms and expectations to make use of the artifact. Drawing on Orlikowski's analytical framework of "technologies-in-practice" we engage in an interview-based exploratory study among diverse groups of users in urban India to understand use of VUIs as situated practice. We identify three technologies-in-practice emerging through enactment of VUIs on users' smartphones: looking up, learning and leisure. We argue that - instead of asking why and how users appropriate VUIs - identifying different kinds of enactments of VUIs present researchers and practitioners with a more nuanced understanding of existing and potential use of VUIs across varied contexts.
机译:由于智能手机遍布了城市印度城市,语音用户界面(VUIS)越来越多地成为各种用户日常经验的一部分。由于移动互联网接入的改进,这些技术现在通常可以访问[-8.5pc]传记。请提供。引入低成本的智能手机和将本地化的持续过程进入印度语言。然而,当人们在日常生活中与技术与技术进行互动时,他们不仅制定了工件的材料属性,而且还借鉴了他们的技能,社会地位,事先经验和社会规范以及利用工件的期望。绘制Orlikowski的“技术实践技术”的分析框架,我们从事一个基于面试的探索性研究,在印度城市城市中不同的用户探索,以了解Vuis的使用作为练习。我们通过在用户智能手机上制定Vuis来确定三种实践技术:抬头,学习和休闲。我们争辩说 - 而不是询问为什么和用户如何以及如何确定Vuis的不同类型的研究人员和从业人员对各种背景下对现有和潜在使用的差异进行更加细致的理解。



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