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Machine Learning and feature engineering-based study into sarcasm and irony classification with application to cyberbullying detection


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Irony and sarcasm detection is considered a complex task in Natural Language Processing. This paper set out to explore the sarcasm and irony on Twitter, using Machine Learning and Feature Engineering techniques. First we review and clarify the definition of irony and sarcasm by discussing various studies focusing on the terms. Next the first experiment is conducted comparing between various types of classification methods including some popular classifiers for text classification task. For the second experiment, different types of data preprocessing methods were compared and analyzed. Finally, the relationship between irony, sarcasm, and cyberbullying are discussed. The results are interesting as we observed high similarity between them.
机译:讽刺和讽刺检测被认为是自然语言处理中的复杂任务。 本文旨在探索Twitter上的讽刺和讽刺,使用机器学习和功能工程技术。 首先,我们通过讨论关注这些条款的各种研究来审查并澄清讽刺和讽刺的定义。 接下来,进行第一个实验比较各种类型的分类方法,包括一些流行的文本分类任务的分类器。 对于第二种实验,比较和分析了不同类型的数据预处理方法。 最后,讨论了讽刺,讽刺和网络欺凌之间的关系。 结果是有趣的,因为我们观察到它们之间的高相似性。



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