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AHAB: Aligning heterogeneous knowledge bases via iterative blocking


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With the development of information extraction, there have been an increasing number of large-scale knowledge bases available in different domains. In recent years, a great deal of approaches have been proposed for large-scale knowledge base alignment. Most of them are based on iterative matching. If a pair of entities has been aligned, their compatible neighbors are selected as candidate entity pairs. The limitation of these methods is that they discover candidate entity pairs depending on aligned relations, which cannot be used for aligning heterogeneous knowledge bases. Only few existing methods focus on aligning heterogeneous knowledge bases, which discover candidate entity pairs just for once by traditional blocking methods. However, the performance of these methods depends on blocking keys heavily, which are hard to select. In this paper, we present an approach for aligning heterogeneous knowledge bases via iterative blocking (AHAB) to improve the discovery and refinement of candidate entity pairs. AHAB iteratively utilizes different relations for blocking, and then matches block pairs based on matched entity pairs. The Cartesian product of unmatched entities in matched block pairs forms candidate entity pairs. By filtering out dissimilar candidate entity pairs, matched entity pairs will be found. The number of matched entity pairs proliferates with iterations, which in turn helps match block pairs in each iteration. Experiments on real-world heterogeneous knowledge bases demonstrate that AHAB is able to yield a competitive performance.
机译:随着信息提取的发展,在不同领域中存在越来越多的大型知识库。近年来,已经提出了许多用于大规模知识库对齐的方法。它们大多数基于迭代匹配。如果一对实体已对齐,则将其兼容邻居选择为候选实体对。这些方法的局限性在于它们会根据对齐关系发现候选实体对,而这些候选实体对不能用于对齐异构知识库。只有很少的现有方法专注于对齐异构知识库,这些知识库通过传统的阻止方法仅一次发现候选实体对。但是,这些方法的性能严重依赖于阻塞键,很难选择。在本文中,我们提出了一种通过迭代阻塞(AHAB)对齐异构知识库的方法,以改善对候选实体对的发现和改进。 AHAB反复利用不同的关系进行阻塞,然后基于匹配的实体对来匹配块对。匹配块对中不匹配实体的笛卡尔积形成候选实体对。通过滤除不同的候选实体对,将找到匹配的实体对。匹配的实体对的数量随着迭代而激增,这反过来又有助于在每次迭代中匹配块对。在现实世界的异构知识库上进行的实验表明,AHAB能够产生具有竞争力的性能。



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