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Market structure and investment in the mobile industry


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The impact of market structure, that is the number of firms and asymmetry, on investment is an important topic in the mobile industry. However, previous literature remains ambiguous about the direction of the relationship. This paper provides an empirical evidence of the impact of market structure on investment in the European mobile industry. The empirical assessment is based on a Salop model with vertical differentiation. Consistently with the prediction of this model, we find that both the number of operators and market share asymmetry have significant effects on investment. In symmetric markets, investment per operator falls with the number of operators, with larger effects for operators that lose market share more than the average. The industry investment rises with the number of operators in the short run, but eventually falls in the long run due to significant adjustment costs of investment in the mobile industry. These findings suggest that investment should be taken into account when analysing the welfare effects of market structure in the mobile industry. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:市场结构(即公司数量和不对称性)对投资的影响是移动行业中的重要主题。但是,以前的文献对这种关系的方向尚不明确。本文提供了市场结构对欧洲移动行业投资的影响的经验证据。实证评估基于具有纵向差异的Salop模型。与该模型的预测一致,我们发现运营商数量和市场份额不对称都对投资产生重大影响。在对称市场中,每个运营商的投资随运营商数量的减少而下降,这对失去市场份额超过平均水平的运营商产生更大的影响。从短期来看,行业投资随着运营商数量的增加而增加,但从长远来看,由于移动行业投资的重大调整成本,最终导致投资减少。这些发现表明,在分析移动行业市场结构的福利效应时应考虑投资。 (C)2016 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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