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University students' local and distant social ties: Using and integrating modes of communication on campus


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The use of the Internet has increased dramatically in recent years, with university students becoming one of the most dominant user groups. This study investigated how the Internet is integrated into university students' communication habits. The authors Jocused on how online (email and instant messaging) and mobile (cellphones and texting) modes of communication are used in the context of offline modes (FTF and telephone) to support students' local and distant social ties. Using a mixed methods approach that combined survey data from 268 Canadian university students with Jocus group data, a rich description was obtained of what modes of communication students use, how they integrate them to Julfill communication needs, and the implications of this integration jor the maintenance of social ties. It was found that Jriends were the most important communication partners in students' everyday lives. Regardless of the type of social tie, instant messaging was used the most Jor communication. Because of their high cost, the cellphone and texting were used less. Increased distance between communication partners reduced communication — local communication was more frequent Jor both Jriends and relatives. While instant messaging and email were used less Jor contact with those Jaraway, the decrease was not as sharp as with in-person and telephone contact. In particular, instant messaging was used extensively Jor distant contact with Jriends — often daily. While online modes were used widely Jor local communication, it was evident that they also Jilled communication gaps with those Jaraway. Because they were inexpensive and readily available on campus, email and instant messaging were highly used by students and they Jacilitated a close integration of Jar flung ties into university students' everyday lives.



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