首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics >Simple approximations of the DC flux influence on the core loss power electronic ferrites and their use in design of magnetic components

Simple approximations of the DC flux influence on the core loss power electronic ferrites and their use in design of magnetic components


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The effect of DC flux on the core loss is examined for the practical range of power and frequency. Relevant core loss equations are derived and applied to an optimization algorithm to determine the minimum core loss at a given ratio of s (DC flux density to AC peak flux density). It has been found that the curves of hysteresis loss density versus the ratio of s exhibit a peak at a critical ratio. Below or above this critical ratio, the loss density decreases drastically. On the other hand, the curves of eddy-current loss density versus the ratio of s exhibits a minimum point at a critical ratio. Below or above this critical ratio, the loss density increases gradually.



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