首页> 外文期刊>Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on >A Five-Level Inverter Scheme for a Four-Pole Induction Motor Drive by Feeding the Identical Voltage-Profile Windings From Both Sides

A Five-Level Inverter Scheme for a Four-Pole Induction Motor Drive by Feeding the Identical Voltage-Profile Windings From Both Sides




This paper presents a five-level inverter scheme with four two-level inverters for a four-pole induction motor (IM) drive. In a conventional three-phase four-pole IM, there exists two identical voltage-profile winding coil groups per phase around the armature, which are connected in series and spatially apart by two pole pitches. In this paper, these two identical voltage-profile pole-pair winding coils in each phase of the IM are disconnected and fed from four two-level inverters from four sides of the windings with one-fourth dc-link voltage as compared to a conventional five-level neutral-point-clamped inverter. The scheme presented in this paper does not require any special design modification for the induction machine. For this paper, a four-pole IM drive is used, and the scheme can be easily extended to IMs with more than four poles. The proposed scheme is experimentally verified on a four-pole 5-hp IM drive.
机译:本文提出了一种用于四极感应电动机(IM)驱动器的具有四个两级逆变器的五级逆变器方案。在常规的三相四极互感器中,在电枢周围每相存在两个相同的电压分布绕组线圈组,它们以两个磁极间距串联并在空间上分开。在本文中,IM的每个相中的这两个相同的电压分布极对绕组线圈是断开连接的,并且从四个侧面的四个两电平逆变器以与传统系统相比四分之一的直流链路电压馈电五级中性点钳位逆变器。本文提出的方案不需要对感应电机进行任何特殊的设计修改。在本文中,使用了四极IM驱动器,该方案可以轻松扩展到四极以上的IM。该提议的方案已在四极5 hp IM驱动器上进行了实验验证。



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