首页> 外文期刊>Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on >Reduction of Computational Efforts in Finite Element-Based Permanent Magnet Traction Motor Optimization

Reduction of Computational Efforts in Finite Element-Based Permanent Magnet Traction Motor Optimization


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This paper presents a method for reducing computational time in constrained single objective optimization problems related to permanent magnet motors modeled using computationally intensive finite element method. The method is based on differential evolution algorithm. The principal approach is to interrupt the evaluation of inequality constraints after encountering the constraint which is violated and continue their evaluation only if better solutions are obtained in comparison with the candidate vector from the previous generation both in terms of inequality constraints and the cost function. This approach avoids unnecessary time consuming finite element calculations required for solving the inequality constraints and saves the overall optimization time without affecting the convergence rate. The main features of this approach and how it complements the existing method for handling inequality constraints in Differential Evolution algorithm is demonstrated on design optimization of an interior permanent magnet motor for the low-floor tram TMK 2200. The motor geometry is optimized for maximum torque density.
机译:本文提出了一种减少计算时间的方法,该方法减少了与使用计算密集型有限元方法建模的永磁电动机有关的约束单目标优化问题。该方法基于差分进化算法。主要方法是在遇到违反约束后中断对不等式约束的评估,并且仅在与前代候选矢量相比在不等式约束和成本函数方面获得更好的解决方案时,才继续进行不等式的评估。这种方法避免了解决不等式约束所需的不必要的费时的有限元计算,并节省了总体优化时间,而不会影响收敛速度。在针对低地板电车TMK 2200的内部永磁电动机的设计优化中,论证了该方法的主要特征以及如何补充现有的差分演化算法中处理不等式约束的方法。优化了电动机的几何形状,以实现最大扭矩密度。



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