首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Environmental Protection >Quantification of Fugitive Methane Emission from Coal Mining and Handling Activities for Recent Years in India

Quantification of Fugitive Methane Emission from Coal Mining and Handling Activities for Recent Years in India


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Fugitive emissions from coal mining and handling activities are a considerable source of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. The methane is generated and stored in the coal seam during the coalification process. Methane is liberated during mining as the in situ pressure is disturbed artificially. Quantification of fugitive methane emission from coal mining and handling activities are necessary for regulatory and control purposes in relation to mine safety and environmental protection. Also there is a need for reliable fugitive methane estimates to prepare national emission inventories of greenhouse gases (GHGs) from different source categories. Since India is party to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) under the category of Non-Annex Ⅰ party. The 17/CP.8 guidelines of UNFCCC require each Non-Annex Ⅰ party to furnish information on greenhouse gases in its national inventory emitted from anthropogenic sources. In the present paper using the methodology suggested by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) the fugitive methane emission estimates have been prepared for the year 2008, 2009 and 2010.
机译:煤炭开采和处理活动产生的逸散排放是向大气排放温室气体的重要来源。在煤化过程中产生甲烷并将其存储在煤层中。开采期间会释放甲烷,因为原位压力会被人为干扰。量化煤矿开采和处理活动中的散逸性甲烷排放量对于与矿山安全和环境保护有关的监管和控制目的是必要的。还需要可靠的逃逸甲烷估算值,以编制来自不同排放源类别的国家温室气体排放清单。由于印度是《联合国气候变化框架公约》(UNFCCC)的非附件一缔约方类别的缔约国。 《气候公约》的17 / CP.8准则要求每个非附件一缔约方在其国家清单中从人为来源排放的温室气体中提供信息。在本文中,根据政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)建议的方法,已经编制了2008年,2009年和2010年的甲烷排放量估算。



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