首页> 外文期刊>Image and Vision Computing >Statistical hypothesis pruning for identifying faces from infrared images

Statistical hypothesis pruning for identifying faces from infrared images


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A Bayesian approach to identify faces from their IR facial images amounts to testing of discrete hypotheses in presence of nuisance variables such as pose, facial expression, and thermal state. We propose an efficient, low-level technique for hypothesis pruning, i.e. shortlisting high probability subjects from given observed image(s). (This subset can be further tested using some high-level model for eventual identification.) Hypothesis pruning is accomplished using wavelet decompositions (of the observed images) followed by analysis of lower-order statistics of the coefficients. Specifically, we filter infrared (IR) images using bandpass filters and model the marginal densities of the outputs via a parametric family that was introduced by Grenader and Srivastava [IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 23 (2001) 424] IR images arc compared using an L~2-metric between the Marginals computed directly from the parameters. Results from experiments on IR face identification and statistical pruning are presented.
机译:从贝叶斯(IR)脸部图像识别脸部的贝叶斯方法相当于在存在讨厌的变量(例如姿势,面部表情和热状态)的情况下测试离散假设。我们提出了一种有效的低水平技术来进行假设修剪,即从给定的观察图像中筛选出高概率的对象。 (可以使用一些高级模型对这个子集进行进一步测试,以进行最终识别。)假设修剪是通过(观察图像的)小波分解然后分析系数的低阶统计来完成的。具体来说,我们使用带通滤波器对红外(IR)图像进行滤波,并通过由Grenader和Srivastava提出的参数族对输出的边际密度建模。模式肛门。马赫智力23(2001)424]使用L〜2度量在直接从参数计算的边际之间比较了IR图像。给出了红外面部识别和统计修剪实验的结果。



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