首页> 外文期刊>IETE Journal of Research >Non-conventional Multiband Patch Antenna Design with Filtering Aspect Based on Genetic Algorithm

Non-conventional Multiband Patch Antenna Design with Filtering Aspect Based on Genetic Algorithm


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This paper addresses the multiband patch antenna design using an improved straightforward method based on genetic algorithm. Starting from a random matrix of squared pixel shapes, the GA optimizes the final design in order to obtain desired specifications, for instance: good impedance matching in required frequency-bands and rejection of undesired bands by integrating appropriate filter. The program is implemented with visual basic script integrated in CST software. The method overcomes the classical design way since the optimized design can be automatically achieved without interfering with designer (independent conception). Validation of the proposed procedure is carried out through simulations and measurements of two patches (dual and tri-band) for WiMAX, WLAN, and X-band applications. Obtained results are in good agreement and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design method.
机译:本文使用基于遗传算法的改进的直接方法来解决多频带贴片天线设计。从方形像素形状的随机矩阵开始,GA优化最终设计,以便获得所需的规格,例如:通过集成适当的滤波器在所需的频带和不期望的频带中匹配的良好阻抗和拒绝。该程序是用CST软件中集成的Visual Basic脚本实现的。该方法克服了经典设计方式,因为可以在不干扰设计师(独立概念)的情况下自动实现优化的设计。验证所提出的程序是通过模拟和测量WiMAX,WLAN和X波段应用的两个贴片和测量。获得的结果非常一致,证明了所提出的设计方法的有效性。



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