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GTRACE: Mining Frequent Subsequences from Graph Sequences


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In recent years, the mining of a complete set of frequent subgraphs from labeled graph data has been studied extensively. However, to the best of our knowledge, no method has been proposed for finding frequent subsequences of graphs from a set of graph sequences. In this paper, we define a novel class of graph subsequences by introducing axiomatic rules for graph transformations, their admissibility constraints, and a union graph. Then we propose an efficient approach named "GTRACE" for enumerating frequent transformation subsequences (FTSs) of graphs from a given set of graph sequences. The fundamental performance of the proposed method is evaluated using artificial datasets, and its practicality is confirmed by experiments using real-world datasets.
机译:近年来,已经广泛研究了从标记的图形数据中挖掘出完整的频繁子图集的情况。但是,就我们所知,还没有提出从一组图序列中查找图的频繁子序列的方法。在本文中,我们通过引入针对图变换的公理规则,它们的可容许性约束以及并集图,定义了一类新颖的图子序列。然后,我们提出了一种有效的方法,称为“ GTRACE”,用于从给定的一组图序列中枚举图的频繁变换子序列(FTS)。使用人工数据集评估了该方法的基本性能,并通过使用实际数据集进行的实验证实了其实用性。



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