首页> 外文期刊>IEICE Transactions on Electronics >Large-Size Local-Domain Basis Functions with Phase Detour and Fresnel Zone Threshold for Sparse Reaction Matrix in the Method of Moments

Large-Size Local-Domain Basis Functions with Phase Detour and Fresnel Zone Threshold for Sparse Reaction Matrix in the Method of Moments


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Locality in high frequency diffraction is embodied in the Method of Moments (MoM) in view of the method of stationary phase. Local-domain basis functions accompanied with the phase detour, which are not entire domain but are much larger than the segment length in the usual MoM, are newly introduced to enhance the cancellation of mutual coupling over the local-domain; the off-diagonal elements in resultant reaction matrix evanesce rapidly. The Fresnel zone threshold is proposed for simple and effective truncation of the matrix into the sparse band matrix. Numerical examples for the 2-D strip and the 2-D corner reflector demonstrate the feasibility as well as difficulties of the concept; the way mitigating computational load of the MoM in high frequency problems is suggested.



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