首页> 外文期刊>Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on >Ordered Boolean List (OBL): Reducing the Footprint for Evaluating Boolean Expressions

Ordered Boolean List (OBL): Reducing the Footprint for Evaluating Boolean Expressions


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An Expanded Boolean Expression (EBE) does not contain any XOR or EQUAL operators. The occurrence of each variable is a different literal. We provide a linear time algorithm that converts an EBE of n literals into a logically equivalent Ordered Boolean List (OBL) and show how to use the OBL to evaluate the EBE in n steps and O(log log n) space, if the values of the literals are each read once in the order prescribed by the OBL. (An evaluation workspace of 5 bits suffices for all EBEs of up to six billion literals.) The primary application is the SIMD architecture, where the same EBE is evaluated in parallel for different input vectors when rendering solid models on the GPU directly from their Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) representation. We compare OBL to the Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagram (ROBDD) and suggest possible applications of OBL to logic verification and to circuit design.
机译:扩展布尔表达式(EBE)不包含任何XOR或EQUAL运算符。每个变量的出现都是不同的文字。我们提供了一种线性时间算法,该算法将n个文字的EBE转换为逻辑等效的有序布尔列表(OBL),并说明如何使用OBL在n步和O(log log n)空间中评估EBE,如果文字按OBL规定的顺序分别读取一次。 (5位评估工作空间足以满足多达60亿文字的所有EBE。)主要应用是SIMD架构,当直接从GPU的实体模型中构建实体模型时,针对不同的输入矢量并行评估同一EBE实体几何(CSG)表示。我们将OBL与简化后的二进制决策图(ROBDD)进行比较,并提出OBL在逻辑验证和电路设计中的可能应用。



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