首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology >A co-channel interference cancellation technique using orthogonalconvolutional codes on multipath Rayleigh fading channel

A co-channel interference cancellation technique using orthogonalconvolutional codes on multipath Rayleigh fading channel


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This paper proposes and evaluates a new co-channel interferencencancellation technique that utilizes orthogonal convolutional codes on anmultipath Raleigh fading channel. In a spread spectrum multiple accessnenvironment co-channel interference (CCI) limits the performance of thencommunication link. To remove this interference, several CCIncancellation techniques have been proposed, including a technique thatndoes not require the receiver to have knowledge of the cross-correlationnbetween user sequences. This method leaves residual interference afternthe cancellation caused by errors in the initial decisions. To reducenthe residual interference and improve the initial decisions, thenproposed scheme utilizes the error-correcting capability of orthogonalnconvolutional codes. This paper evaluates the performance of thisnscheme. Our results show that the proposed CCI canceller offers annimprovement in capacity of a factor of 1.5~3 as compared with anconventional canceller on a multipath Rayleigh fading channel. Thenproposed canceller works in the presence of residual interference due tonimperfect cancellation. The proposed canceller also has a capacitynimprovement with the use of soft handoff in a multicell configuration



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