首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing >On the study of four-parallelogram filter banks

On the study of four-parallelogram filter banks


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The most commonly used 2-D filter banks are separable filter banks, which can be obtained by cascading two 1-D filter banks in the form of a tree. The supports of the analysis and synthesis filters in the separable systems are unions of four rectangles. The natural nonseparable generalization of such supports are those that are unions of four parallelograms. We study four parallelogram filter banks, which is the class of 2-D filter banks in which the supports of the analysis and synthesis filters consist of four parallelograms. For a given a decimation matrix, there could be more than one possible configuration (the collection of passbands of the analysis filters). Various types of configuration are constructed for four-parallelogram filter banks. Conditions on the configurations are derived such that good design of analysis and synthesis filters are possible. We see that there is only one category of these filter banks. The configurations of four-parallelogram filter banks in this category can always be achieved by designing filter banks of low design cost.



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