首页> 外文期刊>Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on >Optimization of MIMO Relays for Multipoint-to-Multipoint Communications: Nonrobust and Robust Designs

Optimization of MIMO Relays for Multipoint-to-Multipoint Communications: Nonrobust and Robust Designs


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In this paper, we propose algorithms to jointly optimize the multiple multiantenna relays which assist multipoint-to-multipoint communications in wireless networks. Assuming that the knowledge of the second order statistics of the channels such as covariance matrices are available, the multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) relays are designed using two different methods: 1) minimize the sum of the powers of the relays while fulfilling the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) requirements for all destinations and 2) maximize the minimum of the SINRs of all destinations satisfying the transmit power constraint of each MIMO relay. Furthermore, considering the fact that the covariance matrices of the channels between the MIMO relays and destinations are subject to uncertainty due to feedback and quantization errors, the robust versions of the aforementioned methods based on worst-case concept are proposed. It is shown that the proposed nonrobust as well as robust designs are nonconvex optimization problems but they can be solved accurately and efficiently using the standard semidefinite relaxation and randomization techniques. Computer simulations verify the improved performance of the robust designs over nonrobust methods.
机译:在本文中,我们提出了一些算法,可以共同优化用于协助无线网络中多点对多点通信的多个多天线中继。假设了解信道的二阶统计信息(例如协方差矩阵),则使用两种不同的方法设计多输入多输出(MIMO)中继:1)最小化中继功率之和满足所有目的地的信号干扰加噪声比(SINR)的要求; 2)最大化满足所有MIMO中继的发射功率约束的所有目的地的SINR的最小值。此外,考虑到MIMO中继器和目的地之间的信道的协方差矩阵由于反馈和量化误差而受到不确定性的事实,提出了基于最坏情况概念的上述方法的鲁棒版本。结果表明,提出的非稳健设计是非凸优化问题,但是可以使用标准的半定性松弛和随机化技术准确有效地解决它们。计算机仿真验证了稳健设计相对于非稳健方法的改进性能。



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