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Coherence Pursuit: Fast, Simple, and Robust Principal Component Analysis


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This paper presents a remarkably simple, yet powerful, algorithm termed coherence pursuit (CoP) to robust principal component analysis (PCA). As inliers lie in a low-dimensional subspace and are mostly correlated, an inlier is likely to have strong mutual coherence with a large number of data points. By contrast, outliers either do not admit low-dimensional structures or form small clusters. In either case, an outlier is unlikely to bear strong resemblance to a large number of data points. Given that, CoP sets an outlier apart from an inlier by comparing their coherence with the rest of the data points. The mutual coherences are computed by forming the Gram matrix of the normalized data points. Subsequently, the sought subspace is recovered from the span of the subset of the data points that exhibit strong coherence with the rest of the data. As CoP only involves one simple matrix multiplication, it is significantly faster than the state-of-the-art robust PCA algorithms. We derive analytical performance guarantees for CoP under different models for the distributions of inliers and outliers in both noise-free and noisy settings. CoP is the first robust PCA algorithm that is simultaneously non-iterative, provably robust to both unstructured and structured outliers, and can tolerate a large number of unstructured outliers.
机译:本文提出了一种称为鲁棒主成分分析(PCA)的非常简单但功能强大的算法,称为相干追踪(CoP)。由于内在点位于低维子空间中并且大多数情况下是相关的,因此内在点很可能与大量数据点具有很强的相互一致性。相比之下,离群值要么不接受低维结构,要么不形成小簇。无论哪种情况,离群值都不太可能与大量数据点具有很强的相似性。鉴于此,CoP通过将它们的连贯性与其余数据点进行比较来将一个异常值与一个异常值区分开。通过形成归一化数据点的Gram矩阵来计算互相关。随后,从与其他数据表现出强一致性的数据点子集的跨度中恢复寻找的子空间。由于CoP仅涉及一个简单的矩阵乘法,因此它比最新的健壮PCA算法要快得多。我们针对无噪声和嘈杂环境中的内部和异常值分布在不同模型下得出CoP的分析性能保证。 CoP是第一个健壮的PCA算法,它同时非迭代,可证明对非结构化和结构化离群值均具有鲁棒性,并且可以容忍大量非结构化离群值。



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