首页> 外文期刊>IEEE transactions on rehabilitation engineering >Implantable selective stimulator to improve bladder voiding: design and chronic experiments in dogs

Implantable selective stimulator to improve bladder voiding: design and chronic experiments in dogs


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Among the treatments to enhance the bladder voiding, the sacral roots neurostimulation is one of the most promising techniques. The electrostimulation of sacral nerves provokes a simultaneous contraction of the detrusor muscle as well as the external urethral sphincter (EUS). A new simplified-architecture implantable stimulator with its wireless controller have been designed to investigate high-frequency inhibition stimulation strategies. This innovative technique based on high-frequency inhibition reduces sphincter activity during stimulation. Low-frequency current pulses also applied to the sacral roots induces contraction of the detrusor muscle resulting in low pressure voiding. Chronic experiments were carried out on ten male mongrel paraplegic dogs. One cuff electrode was implanted along with each stimulator for eight months. The animals were stimulated twice a day using the prototypes of the authors' implantable selective stimulator while voided and residual urine volume were measured during the procedure. These experiments revealed that the proposed stimulation strategy enhances bladder voiding by more than 50% in comparison with low-frequency only stimulation. The residual urine volume was reduced to an average of 9% and low pressure micturition was achieved as shown by weekly cystourethrogram.



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