首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics >Active-Clamping ZVS Flyback Converter Employing Two Transformers

Active-Clamping ZVS Flyback Converter Employing Two Transformers


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This paper presents a two-transformer active-clamping zero-voltage-switching (ZVS) flyback converter, which is mainly composed of two active-clamping flyback converters. By utilizing two separate transformers, the proposed converter allows a low-profile design to be readily implemented while retaining the merits of a conventional single-transformer topology. The presented two-transformer active-clamping ZVS flyback converter can approximately share the total load current between two secondaries. Therefore, the transformer copper loss and the rectifier diode conduction loss can be decreased. Detailed analysis and design of this new two-transformer active-clamping ZVS flyback converter are described. Experimental results are recorded for a prototype converter with an ac input voltage ranging from 85 to 135 V, an output voltage of 24 V and an output current of 8 A, operating at a switching frequency of 180 kHz.
机译:本文提出了一种两变压器有源钳位零电压开关反激变换器,它主要由两个有源钳位反激变换器组成。通过利用两个单独的变压器,所提出的转换器允许在保持传统单变压器拓扑结构优点的同时,易于实现低调设计。提出的两变压器有源钳位ZVS反激式转换器可以大致共享两个次级之间的总负载电流。因此,可以减少变压器的铜损和整流二极管的导通损耗。详细介绍了这种新型两变压器有源钳位ZVS反激式转换器的分析和设计。记录了一个原型转换器的实验结果,该转换器的交流输入电压范围为85至135 V,输出电压为24 V,输出电流为8 A,其开关频率为180 kHz。



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