首页> 外文期刊>Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on >Comparison of the Modular Multilevel DC Converter and the Dual-Active Bridge Converter for Power Conversion in HVDC and MVDC Grids

Comparison of the Modular Multilevel DC Converter and the Dual-Active Bridge Converter for Power Conversion in HVDC and MVDC Grids


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It is expected that in the near future the use of high-voltage dc (HVDC) transmission and medium-voltage dc (MVDC) distribution technology will expand. This development is driven by the growing share of electrical power generation by renewable energy sources that are located far from load centers and the increased use of distributed power generators in the distribution grid. Power converters that transfer the electric energy between voltage levels and control the power flow in dc grids will be key components in these systems. The recently presented modular multilevel dc converter (M2DC) and the three-phase dual-active bridge converter (DAB) are benchmarked for this task. Three scenarios are examined: a 15 MW converter for power conversion from an HVDC grid to an MVDC grid of a university campus, a gigawatt converter for feeding the energy from an MVDC collector grid of a wind farm into the HVDC grid, and a converter that acts as a power controller between two HVDC grids with the same nominal voltage level. The operation and degrees of freedom of the M2DC are investigated in detail aiming for an optimal design of this converter. The M2DC and the DAB converter are thoroughly compared for the given scenarios in terms of efficiency, amount of semiconductor devices, and expense on capacitive storage and magnetic components.
机译:预计在不久的将来,高压直流(HVDC)传输和中压直流(MVDC)配电技术的使用将会扩展。这种发展是由远离负载中心的可再生能源在电力生产中所占份额的增加以及配电网中分布式发电机使用的增加所推动的。这些在电压系统之间传递电能并控制直流电网中功率流的功率转换器将成为这些系统的关键组件。最近推出的模块化多电平直流转换器(M2DC)和三相双有源桥式转换器(DAB)已针对此任务进行了基准测试。考察了三种情况:一个用于从大学校园的HVDC电网到MVDC电网的功率转换的15 MW转换器,一个将风电场的MVDC收集器电网的能量馈送到HVDC电网的吉瓦转换器。在两个具有相同标称电压水平的HVDC电网之间充当电源控制器。针对该转换器的最佳设计,详细研究了M2DC的操作和自由度。对于给定的方案,在效率,半导体器件的数量以及电容性存储和磁性组件的成本方面,对M2DC和DAB转换器进行了全面比较。



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