首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science >The use of production management techniques in the construction of large scale physics detectors

The use of production management techniques in the construction of large scale physics detectors


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The construction process of detectors for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments is large scale, heavily constrained by resource availability and evolves with time. As a consequence, changes in detector component design need to be tracked and quickly reflected in the construction process. With similar problems in industry engineers employ so-called Product Data Management (PDM) systems to control access to documented versions of designs and managers employ so-called Workflow Management software (WfMS) to coordinate production work processes. However, PDM and WfMS software are not generally integrated in industry. The scale of LHC experiments, like CMS, demands that industrial production techniques be applied in detector construction. This paper outlines the major functions and applications of the CRISTAL system (Cooperating Repositories and an information System for Tracking Assembly Lifecycles) in use in CMS which successfully integrates PDM and WfMS techniques in managing large scale physics detector construction. This is the first time industrial production techniques have been deployed to this extent in detector construction.
机译:大型强子对撞机(LHC)实验的探测器构造过程规模庞大,受到资源可用性的严重限制,并且会随着时间而发展。结果,需要跟踪检测器组件设计的变化,并迅速将其反映在构造过程中。由于行业中存在类似的问题,工程师使用所谓的产品数据管理(PDM)系统来控制对设计文档版本的访问,而经理则使用所谓的工作流管理软件(WfMS)来协调生产工作流程。但是,PDM和WfMS软件通常不会在行业中集成。 LCMS实验的规模(例如CMS)要求在探测器构造中应用工业生产技术。本文概述了CMS中使用的CRISTAL系统(协作存储库和跟踪装配生命周期的信息系统)的主要功能和应用,该系统成功地将PDM和WfMS技术集成到管理大型物理探测器的构造中。这是在探测器构造中首次将工业生产技术部署到这种程度。



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