首页> 外文期刊>Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on >Femtosecond Radiation Experiment Detector for X-Ray Free-Electron Laser (XFEL) Coherent X-Ray Imaging

Femtosecond Radiation Experiment Detector for X-Ray Free-Electron Laser (XFEL) Coherent X-Ray Imaging


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A pixel array detector (PAD) module has been developed at Cornell University for the collection of diffuse diffraction data in anticipation of coherent X-ray imaging experiments that will be conducted at the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. The detector is designed to collect X-rays scattered from monochromatic femtosecond pulses produced by the LCLS X-ray laser at framing rates up to 120 Hz. Because X-rays will arrive on femtosecond time scales, the detector must be able to deal with instantaneous count-rates in excess of $10^{17}~hbox{photons~per~second~per~pixel}$. A low-noise integrating front-end allows the detector to simultaneously distinguish single photon events in low-flux regions of the diffraction pattern, while recording up to several thousand X-rays per pixel in more intense regions. The detector features a per-pixel programmable two-level gain control that can be used to create an arbitrary 2-D, two-level gain pattern across the detector; massively parallel 14-bit in-pixel digitization; and frame rates in excess of 120 Hz. The first full-scale detector will be 1516 $,times,$1516 pixels with a pixel size of 110$,times,$ 110 microns made by tiling CMOS ASICs (Application Specific Integrated Circuits) that are bump-bonded to high-resistivity silicon diodes. X-ray testing data of the first 185$,times,$ 194 pixel bump-bonded ASICs is presented. These are tiled to make the final detector. The measurements presented include confirmation of single photon sensitivity, pixel response profiles indicating a nearly single-pixel point spread function, radiation damage measurements and noise performance.
机译:康奈尔大学已经开发出一种像素阵列检测器(PAD)模块,用于收集漫射衍射数据,以预期将在SLAC国家加速器实验室的直线加速器相干光源(LCLS)上进行相干X射线成像实验。该检测器旨在收集LCLS X射线激光器产生的单色飞秒脉冲散射的X射线,其成帧速率最高为120 Hz。因为X射线将以飞秒为单位到达时间刻度,所以探测器必须能够处理超过$ 10 ^ {17}〜hbox {photons〜per〜second〜per〜pixel} $的瞬时计数率。低噪声积分前端使检测器可以同时区分衍射图样低通量区域中的单个光子事件,同时在强度更高的区域中每像素最多记录数千个X射线。该检测器具有按像素可编程的两级增益控制,可用于在检测器上创建任意的二维,两级增益模式。大规模并行的14位像素内数字化;帧速率超过120 Hz。第一个满量程检测器将是1516××1516像素,像素大小为110××110微米,是通过将CMOS ASIC(专用集成电路)层叠并凸点结合到高电阻率硅二极管而制成的。给出了最初的185 $,$ 194像素凸点接合ASIC的X射线测试数据。将它们平铺以构成最终的检测器。呈现的测量包括单光子灵敏度的确认,指示接近单像素点扩展函数的像素响应曲线,辐射损伤测量和噪声性能。



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