首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques >Convenient Waveguide Technique for Determining Permittivity and Permeability of Materials

Convenient Waveguide Technique for Determining Permittivity and Permeability of Materials


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This article proposes a convenient technique for determining the permittivity and permeability of materials placed in a waveguide. Simplicity and repeatability of the method are achieved due to the utilization of contactless waveguide flanges and short-short-line (SSL) calibration technique. The grooves in the contactless flange prevent the electromagnetic field from leaking through the gap between the flanges even though misalignments exist. The SSL calibration uses a single line standard and two short standards. Since only one line standard is required, the test fixtures do not need to move during the calibration and measurement. With the help of contactless flanges and SSL calibration technique, the test fixtures could stay fixed in a plastic bracket. In addition, the line standard, the short standards, and the device under test (DUT) can be easily replaced without fastening screws. It is convenient when there are a large number of samples to be measured. The measured permittivity and permeability of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and carbonyl iron powders in the whole X-band showed the validity of the contactless flange and the accuracy of the SSL calibration technique.
机译:本文提出了一种方便的技术,用于确定放置在波导中的材料的介电常数和渗透性。由于利用非接触式波导法兰和短路(SSL)校准技术,实现了该方法的简单性和可重复性。接触式凸缘中的凹槽可以防止电磁场通过凸缘之间的间隙泄漏,即使存在未对准。 SSL校准使用单线标准和两种短标准。由于只需要一条线标准,因此在校准和测量期间,测试夹具不需要移动。借助非接触式法兰和SSL校准技术,测试夹具可以保持在塑料支架中。此外,可以在没有紧固螺钉的情况下轻松更换螺钉的线标准,短标准和设备(DUT)。当有大量样品进行测量时,很方便。整个X频带中聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)和羰基粉末的测量介电常数和渗透性显示出无与伦比法兰的有效性和SSL校准技术的准确性。



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